How To Become Smart



Want to be smart/get smarter? Tired of looking like a fool/looking foolish? Been embarrassed to many times? Tired of being embarrassed? Want to stop being embarrassed? Need a solution? Need to learn how to be smart/get smarter? This is the article for you! Follow my 5 simple steps below, and learn how to get smarter in no time!

When learning to be smart/get smarter,  there are some very important tips you should remember. Being smart/getting smarter is very easy and it does not take long. It does take alot of practice and hard work. You may look smart, but that does not mean you are smart. Smart people don’t talk about being smart, so how do people know they are smart? By their actions, the way they speak, conduct themselves and the way they dress. The way you speak, educating yourself and also exercising your brain is very important, when trying to get smarter. Speaking eloquently and articulating you words, lets people know, a well educated many is speaking, so they should listen. Speaking well is not all it takes to being smart. Below I have listed a couple tips that should help you be smart/get smarter.

Write Stories

Writing stories, is very good when trying to be smart/get smarter. Writing stories forces your brain to work and function better. This will make you a better thinker, and process information quicker. Writing stories also helps with your imagination, and broadens your mind. Writing stories is an excellent way of getting persons to know/realize you are smart!

Read Many Books

Reading is fundamental when trying to be smart/get smarter. Reading can help you learn all kinds of new things, and is a productive hobby to have. Reading is not a fun hobby, and you may not enjoy it, but it will open up your mind to a variety of new ideas and experiences. Reading can teach you many fascinating things.

Ask Questions

Asking questions constantly, will make you smarter. There’s nothing wrong with not knowing, but there is something wrong with not asking questions, for you to know. Asking questions helps you learn new things. Practice asking questions. The more questions you ask, the smarter you become. Don’t be annoying about it. It becomes repulsive.

Always Learn

Learning is a never ending process. You can never learn to much! Keep that in mind. Not because you have stopped going to school, means you must stop learning! Everyday you should try to learn something new. Learning does not entail, only reading books. You can learn things online, on google, from magazines, from friends, from news articles, news papers, and flyers. School is just one source of information. Not because you’re great at one thing doesn’t mean you have to stick to it! Listen to others and be open minded. Constantly learning will make you smarter.

Work On Your Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important when trying to be smart/get smarter. Being able to spell, and read is very important as well. Practice learning one or two new words a day. This will help you get smarter. Think of it this way. The more words you learn, the smarter you get, the less words you learn, the dumber you get! This should help motivate you to learn some new words everyday!

“You may look smart, but that does not mean you are smart!” – Yannick Theodore

How To Make Friends


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Having trouble making friends? Don’t know how to make friends? Can’t seem to find the right friends? Worried that you will never end up making friends? Worry no more. I have just the solution. Simply follow my tips below and start making friends instantly.

Friend making at times can be very difficult and nerve racking. Sometimes you just don’t feel like you want to go speak to anyone. You may be feeling to shy or unsure of how to approach a person. Maybe you are just not confident because you’re afraid people may not react the way you want them to. That’s not understandable, and not acceptable. You must never let your feelings get in the way of making a new friend. That is one sure way of not making a new friend. Think about all the possible friends you have lost because you were to shy to approach them. Do you still want to be making that same mistake? That is why you need to look past yourself and your feelings, in order to make some new friends. Friend making is not very hard. It’s just your mentality that makes it difficult to make friends. Change your mentality and you will start making friends. In order to start making friends you need to:



 Volunteering is also a great way for people of all ages to meet others. By working together you build bonds with people. You may also get to meet other people just like you. Who share common interests. Who knows you guys may even be identical in every way. Try to volunteer two to three times a week.


Join A Club

Joining a club is another great way of meeting new people and making new friends. Clubs help you meet people of all ages who share common interests. Although you don’t need to share common interests with someone to make friends with them. Remember that. You could just like to see the  person, or may like the way they think, what ever the case may be, clubs are a great way of making new friends, regardless of who you are.

Young woman having business meeting in cafe with two men, smiling

Speak To People

Speaking to people is fundamental when trying to making friends. You can join clubs, volunteer and go to school, but you still won’t make any friends if you don’t actually speak to people. Speaking to people is a great way of creating long lasting friendships. You need to get yourself in the habit of speaking to people. You can speak to anyone. The person sitting next to you in the bus, a store clerk, the delivery man, people in your club, people you don’t even know, don’t be picky. The more you speak to people the more confident you will become.

hanging out

Hang Out With People More

If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there somehow in order to meet people. That is very important. Sitting alone will not increase your chances of making friends. Try to always sit near people. This will tremendously increase your chances of making new friends. Try to invite your friends and people you’re not sure about over often. This will help you get to know someone new, thus fostering togetherness. Try to have movie nights and go out with friends more. This will help you make more friends. Going out allows you to meet new people, thus increasing your chances of making new friends. Don’t be afraid to hang out with people you don’t know. For you see, people you don’t know are often the nicest people you will ever meet, and they could potentially be future best friends/ lovers. Keep that in mind.


Be Trustworthy

It is imperative that you are able to keep a secret. In order to make friends you must be trustworthy. A good friend is one that can keep a secret forever. One of the best things about having a friend is that you have someone to whom you can talk about anything. Always keep that in mind. Always try to be that friend that is trustworthy and can keep a secret, not one that loves to talk and spread peoples secrets. That is the worst. 

be confident

Be Confident

 Many people are not very confident. They are shy, timid and afraid to start a conversation. Make the effort and start talking no matter how uncomfortable it feels. Be more confident in yourself. No one will embarrass you or tell you No if you simply say “hey”or “how are you” Try it out today. Try telling someone you like to see “hey, how are you” and find out for yourself.  You may just make a new friend.


Always Be Encouraging

A very good friend encourages their friend. They will remain with them in both good as well as bad times. When trying to make new friends, its very important that you be encouraging and supportive. This will help increase your chances of them becoming your friend. Never be disrespectful or discourteous, to a potential new friend. 


Don’t Be Rude

It is very important to remember never be rude, when trying to make a new friend. People generally don’t like others being rude to them, and if you’re trying to make friends, that is not the best way to go about it. Always try to be polite, well mannered, generous, nice, and a good listener. These are the qualities a person looks for in a friend. Keep that in mind.


Always Look Good

Your appearance is very important when trying to make new friends. Some persons may believe appearance doesn’t matter but that could not be further from the truth. People don’t want to be friends with ugly, nasty smelling people. Remember that! People generally want to be friends with the most beautiful people in the world. Therefore you must try to always look good, smelling sweet, hair well done, well shaved, and for the girls, make up well done, completely shaved, hair well done and smelling sweet. Strive to always look your best, like a model anywhere you go. This will increase your chances of making a new friend. Never leave your house looking a mess. This is one sure way of not making a new friend.

“Be confident in yourself, and speak to someone new today, you may just make a new friend” – Yannick Theodore
